The benefits of Feline Fix by 5 include a decrease in cancer, improved behavior, and a reduction in cat overpopulation.
What is it?
Veterinarians have always recommended spaying or neutering cats by 6 months. Yet, cats are sexually mature by 5 months. Goodheart has joined the national movement to spay or neuter cats one month earlier.
There are many medical, behavioral, and community benefits including the decrease of:
-breast cancer
-behavioral problems
-pet overpopulation
Dr Beth Spencer notes, “We want to help spay and neuter cats before unwanted behaviors and medical disease occur.”
Male cats might even “spray” home surfaces urine once they mature.
A benefit for female cats is the prevention of pyometra, a life threatening infection in the uterus. This is preventable by spaying at an appropriate age (< 5 months).
To learn more, please visit www.felinefixbyfive.org.
We’re here to speak with you about your cat. Please call us today.